Sassy Aussie Staci cares for your hairs. She says so herself. She even cut my hair at her apartment but I have been lazy about the upkeep (I have never had a massage or a professional manicure as I am very low maintenance) and so the last time I got it cut was the day Heath Ledger passed away. She had just finished my hair when we read the news and we were shocked...But back to happier times: I have worked with Staci on many a shoot and homegirl just hits it out of the park. Not only that but she is both the life of the party and the voice of reason. That makes for a great chat when you are sitting in her chair. She is also a big collector of tattoos...Fun fact: she knows the folks who made the movie Wolf Creek. Ever see that film? Realistic horror. *Shudders.
You have a hair accessory line coming out. When and where will it be available? hope by next summer... not sure where we will be selling them yet, but they will be super cute called "Love Staci"
Whose head would you love to style? kate Moss 10 years ago
What has been your most extensive/insane hair style creation to date? just recently we did a shoot for Bijules and Flaunt and the hair was huge and a lot of setting was fun.... also the Barbie 50th anniversary fashion show last season was pretty insane and awesome
Tell me about "Cutz & Tatz." well I cut hair and my roommate does tattoos
What do you think of "bumpits?" i wish i had invented them
What scares the hell out of you? bad hair
What is your drink of choice? jameson
What shampoo and conditioner do you use? Redken or Cutler of course, only the best for me
Name an outdated beauty practice. comb overs
What jewelry do you wear? Bijules fingernail ring, and a gorgeous glass heart ring I bought in Venus, a ring my mum gave me and a ring my sister gave me, and a heart earing my best man friend gave me
Favorite item of clothing in your wardrobe. black extremly high Helmut Lang boots that i never wear cause they are a size to big, but I love them so much i just look at them, and this Alberta Ferretti dress that I have also never worn, except around the house, just so i can feel it on
What will be your next tattoo? there are a bunch more, so depends which one i feel like doing I guess, maybe a panther on my hip
Who would you like to be locked in a closet with? sean Penn, but that closet door would have to stay shut for a lot of hours
Do you like goat cheese? yes
What color are your bed sheets? white
Name your favorite pair of shoes. my motor cycle boots that i wear everyday all year around
Have you ever shaved your head? yeah shaved it off about 12 yrs ago, right now half of it is shaved
What is your favorite nail polish color? pink and black.... sometimes together
Tell me about your pets. I have 2 cats and a crazy dog.... all rescued
What are your favorite websites? www.defactoinc.com haha plug
What is your motto? just do what ever you want
What has been inspiring you lately? I just changed agencies, so I'm very excited and looking forward to the new chapter www.defactoinc.com
Have you done any traveling this summer? went to italy at the start of summer was gorgeous
What is the worst part about living in NYC? not being really really really rich
And the best? my rad friends
Where do you want to be in ten years? on a beach with my hot young husband
To spy on Staci's portfolio, visit www.defactoinc.com.
And as usual, I picked some of my favorites:


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