Martynka is the perfect example of why I enjoy being able to have my own forum, however small, in order to showcase the people who I think are worthy of many more accolades and recognition. She is a kind, good soul with a very specific arresting and feminine vision in her photography. A true artist who also isn't afraid to poke fun at herself in the process. (I could just say that she is awesome, but that is too general a description.) In the past she has worn several hats in the form of modeling and casting, and from 1999-2004 she was the co-founder and editor of the arts and culture magazine Issue. Today (and for many years) Martynka is a fine art photographer and recently she exhibited two shows at Envoy Enterprises in NYC entitled "Kids" and "Ketchup." I don't know how I got so lucky to have worked with her for Kid's Wear magazine to be honest (I posted about this early in my blogging.) Basically I think that Fletcher has the coolest stepmom ever. Oh and the healthiest. You should see what she eats.
Your photo series Kids featuring various unsmiling children is both truthful and controversial. Does this surprise you? Why do you think that it makes some people uncomfortable to see children portrayed in such a way?
These reactions don't surprise me at all. People are used to seeing cute and cheesy photographs of children - anything dark and gloomy makes people feel uncomfortable. This Kids (faces) series was recently in the european editions of the Vice photo issue and there are some pretty entertaining comments on viceland.com - along the lines of: did I drug the kids?, are they orphans?
Your Ketchup exhibition at Envoy Enterprises this summer involved you being blindfolded and sprayed with ketchup by the same kids you photographed in your Kids series. What was the best part about the experience? And the worst? And who threw that bottle at you?
Only two of the boys had been in my Kids portrait series. Fletcher (my stepson) threw the bottle at me.
The best part of the experience was seeing my crazy idea finally come to life. The whole show came together on the day of the opening so I was very nervous. I will never forget the feeling of when I stood at the firing range, blind folded, waiting for the first shot of ketchup to hit me - once it finally did, it felt so weird and cold... it was going into my nostrils and mouth. I kept thinking: ''I can't believe this is really happening? What have I signed myself up for?!!!'' But I was very pleased with the final result.
The worst part of the experience was probably having to scrub ketchup off the gallery wall for over two hours after the show came down - that should have been "Ketchup show - part two' me in my apron and gloves sweating away with a giant bucket of water!
What is it about kids that inspires you?
Their uninhibited nature. I wish I could go back in time and be a kid again.
What qualities do you look for when you are street casting?
Unique features, eccentric personal style - it's hard to describe, I just know a special kid when I see one!
And the random questions....
If you could have any artist paint your portrait, who would you choose?
Vermeer, John Currin, or Duncan Hannah.
What is your favorite dish to cook?
This changes all the time, lately I am really into making Noritos - wraps of romaine lettuce and nori filled with an avocado, vege mixture.
What is your favorite drink?
Green Juice!
Which muppet do you most relate to and why?
When I was a little girl I was obsessed with Miss Piggy. I wanted to be her - kind of embarrassing. I don't relate to her anymore!
What cleaning product do you use to wipe down the kitchen sink?
As an eco purist and a health food freak, I hate to admit this: Fantastic spray on bleach - it is an awful poison, but it does make the sink nice and white.
Who do people tell you that you remind them of?
My family members often liken me to various rodents - I get mouse, rat and squirrel a lot, sometimes bambi.
What is your favorite Richard Kern photograph?
Very hard to choose one.... maybe Lucy with her head in the toilet?
Does your stepson Fletcher have any interest in photography? He seems more into making movies. He is really good at setting up the tripod perfectly and appearing in his own films.
He went through a stage of making these cool stop animation films on the laptop with his lego figures.
Besides being covered in ketchup, what other sensation gives you the creeps?
Climbing ladders - I have a fear of heights. Also, giant roaches/ waterbugs.
Name your favorite article of clothing.Probably my old lady Worishofer sandals -they are so comfortable, I can't live without them!
What will you be up to during fashion week? Are you involved in any shows or projects?
I'll probably go to the Purple dinner, it's usually the only fashion week event I attend. I am not really in that world anymore. I prefer going to art openings.
What is your favorite color?
Favorite color: pale pink or avocado green.
How many times a week do you wash your hair?
Basically whenever I go to a Bikram class, which is normally every other day.
What movie scares you?
I am not a fan of scary movies. My husband likes to trick me by telling me that we are going to watch a romantic comedy
and after sitting down a while I realize it's a horror film with zombies! One of the first films I saw at the movie theatre as a kid was E.T. It gave me terrible nightmares for years to come! I still can't watch that film.
What is your favorite cause?
Probably preserving the environment.
To view Martynka's portfolio, visit www.martynka.com (F.Y.I. the photo of Martynka above in the grass is by Slava Mogutin)
Behind The Scenes video: Martynka Wawrzyniak from Alison Zavos on Vimeo.

From her Ketchup exhibition.
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