OMG Little Miss Perfect is on!!!!! This is one of the best shows on TV, in my pop culture, 80's loving opinion. I love it for many reasons. They are as follows:
1. The intense competition between some of the pageant moms. But it can get petty, superficial, and basically ugly.
2. The hair-I am really impressed by how their hair is teased, curled, rolled to southern perfection.
3. The Wow Wear competition-Some moms make their own sets and costumes for their daughters while others spend thousands by going to professional costume designers. They go to coaches and choreographers and you see their creations come to fruition a la Project Runway, only they are extremely campy.
4. The host-He comes across as actually very diplomatic and fair and he sings at the end of each pageant. He is absolutely fabulous.
5. Holy sh*t they spray tan the toddlers in the hotel rooms.
6. Watching the moms flailing (dancing) behind the judges, guiding their child's dance moves as the kids perform on stage so as to help them to remember their routines.
7. One mom just said to her daughter while taking her picture: "Don't smile like you are constipated, you look like you are constipated!"
8. Flippers-They are the little dentures that the girls wear when their teeth fall out.
9. The judges. You just have to see for yourself.
10.Creep Factor-I am in constant awe as to how oversexualized most of the little girls looks and performances are and how far their moms will go for what they consider to be the representation of beauty. (My Mom and I discussed this, so therefore our opinions are factual.) And I agree with her when she says that a lot of the routines are about seducing.
11. There are some little girls with respectful mothers who genuinely enjoy competing and I find myself rooting for the underdog who doesn't wear the hair extensions or the flippers and so you see gaps where their teeth used to be.
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