Friday, August 21, 2009

Elizabeth Thompson

Elizabeth is the proprietor of, a blog in which she discusses everything from Ewoks to wedding dresses. If you want to spy on a former Harpers Bazaar super intern, well, you know where to go. I would be up at Bazaar and I liked to go sit at the computer next to Elizabeth and tug on her hair (so to speak) and just wait to be entertained. She is a well dressed, intelligent riot.

You just graduated from college. What did you major in and what are your plans for the fall?
I had a double major in English and French. Sometime in the fall, I’d like to have a full-time job instead of the two part-time jobs I have now. I’m looking for some stability.

What has this summer been like for you?
It has been a summer of metamorphosis. I have my first apartment, I am a college graduate and in my first grown-up, serious relationship. I feel like I am a 30-year-old trapped in a 21-year-old body but I love it. I relate to people who are a bit older than me better than people my own age for the most part.

Who or what has influenced your sense of humor?
My younger brother Sam is only a year a few months my junior and we have always been close. He was the quintessential class clown in high school and he loves to take credit for making me funny. I’m ok with that because he really did make me funny.

Whose closet do you want to raid?
With out a doubt, Chloe Sevigny’s. Her style is incredible. The bedroom hair, the clean face and rouge lips, the short, short skirts. Parfait! But I want her to be there while I raid, also trying on everything. If there is champagne I’ll seriously be in heaven. She’s my number one girl crush.

What websites do you stalk?
Sea of Shoes, eBay, Etsie, the New York Times Fashion & Style page, facebook (only because it helps me keep up with my college friends, I swear!), Racked, Who What Wear, Refinery29

Who are your favorite fashion designers?
Lately, I’ve been feeling really uninspired by modern collections. I just feel like there’s a lot of copying going on and very little creativity. I’m also really tired of the whole leather, grommets and bondage scene. So I’d have to say that I have always loved Sonia Rykiel because she is so Frenchy and I would die to have something Missoni. A full-length dress or a cardigan – oh! I’m really into Chanel, too, but mostly vintage. I would love a vintage Chanel or Valentino skirt suit.

What makes you want to punch a hole in the wall?
Being judged unfairly or realizing that I have judged unfairly. It is human nature, but it’s ugly.

Name your favorite author.
I have a few…I’ve been trying to finish Anna Karenina by Tolstoy for about a year. I love it. I think D.H. Lawrence is wonderful because his stories are vivid and very sexy for their time. I also love Ernest Hemingway’s clear, succinct style.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?
3 pairs of tall leather boots, 2 pairs ankle, 2 pairs of flat sandals, 3 pairs sandals with heels, 2 pairs classic pumps, 2 pairs black flats…these are the shoes that I actually wear. I have a bunch I never put on.

Name an obsession.
Black raspberry ice cream with chocolate chips on top.

What is your sign?

Any unusual talents?
I can bite my toenails, if so inclined. I’m also double jointed in my arms. (Editor's note: That's disgusting.)

What was the last thing that annoyed you?
Waking up an hour late this morning. I am so bad at waking up before 10.

What is the wildest thing that you have ever experienced?
Getting to live and study in Paris for four months. It was incredible. I feel so lucky to have had that life.

What were you like as a kid?
Very shy, if you can believe it! I dressed well thanks to my Mom. I had a little navy blue coat with a velvet collar and matching hat, patent leather mary janes, and I wore dresses and tights almost all the time. I usually had a giant bow in my hair.

What is your favorite smell?
Patchouli and musk. So good!

What is your favorite lipstick color?
Chanel Coco Pink. It kind of makes my teeth look yellow but it’s such a pretty color.

What are you allergic to?
Dust, cats, dogs, Christmas trees, down feathers, angora.

What is your favorite pair of jeans?
My AG dark denim Stevies. They fit where they should but are not so tight that they are pornographic.

Do you think that vampires are overrated?

Where do you see yourself in five years?
In love, I hope. Thinking about starting a family. That’s most important to me. I am not particularly anxious about having a specific career. If there is food on the table and I am with people I love, I’ll be happy.

What is your boyfriend like?
He is funny, smart, handsome, and loving. He is English and I’m still gaga for the accent. He has beautiful blue eyes and he works with kids. He is really kind and a very good kisser.

What makes you happy?
Reading, laying in the sun when it’s not too hot, shopping of course, glossy magazines, my family, my cat Bunny, my roommate, friends, Daniel, seeing art, watching movies or hearing music that I like, writing, hearing people speak French, looking at old pictures of people I know and of myself.

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